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What is this tea?
Green tea is a beverage made from the unoxidized leaves of a Camellia sinensis plant. Drinking green tea on an empty stomach comes with pros and cons. However, the disadvantages can be avoided or fixed easily.
Green tea has multiple health-promoting compounds. Green tea can help you lose weight and reduce diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The article below gives you the chemical properties, nutritional Facts, and benefits of green tea.
Chemical Properties of Green tea
Green tea contains Theanine, an amino acid with a relaxing effect on the body. If you are suffering from depression, drink green tea. Green tea contains polyphenols, carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbic acid, chromium, zinc, selenium, and different phytochemical substances. Polyphenols can increase fat oxidation levels and lead to weight loss (nih.gov).

Nutritional facts about green tea
Green tea is about 95% water, meaning that teas are good for hydrating your body. Green tea includes compounds like l-theanine and antioxidants, making it healthy (nih.gov).
Drinking green tea in the morning is the same as drinking a cup of water enriched with ingredients. Drinking green tea on an empty stomach is much better than drinking coffee or carbonated drinks with artificial colors, flavors, and additives.
Green tea is rich in magnesium, zinc, and chromium for blood flow. That makes you feel energetic in the morning and deals with fatigue (oup.com). Drinking it on an empty stomach enhances this process.
Benefits of green tea
Green tea on an empty stomach helps burn fats in the human body. That is enabled as metabolism happens when food is absorbed and converted into energy. As a result of the high metabolism, blood flow improves, reducing the risks of heart attacks. It also allows the digestive system to function at an optimum. As a result, fat reduction directly results in weight loss.
To get rid of bad cholesterol, drink a cup of green tea early in the morning on an empty stomach. Green tea can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol while increasing the level of good cholesterol. Green tea protects you from diseases and helps your body stop the existing ones.
Green tea is a natural stimulant with caffeine. Whenever you feel tired, use green tea to revive yourself. Although it has caffeine, it is not as much as coffee, meaning you can have it as much as you like throughout the day. The chances are close to zero that you will have your sleep distracted. The probability of having caffeine side effects is low.
Rich antioxidant contents may lower the risk of cancerous diseases (cancer.goc). They are caused by the uncontrolled growth of body cells, which green tea protects against cancer as it contains powerful antioxidants. Some cancerous diseases prevented by the consumption of green tea are breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer.
Good oral health is also a benefit of the consumption of green tea. That is so because catechins in green tea can reduce the growth of bacteria, lowering the risk of infections. Inhibiting bacterial growth of bacteria also reduces the risk of bad breath.
Bone density improvement is another benefit of green tea as it contains polyphenols that increase bone mass, protecting bone tissue from severe damage. As a result, this property helps to deal with a public health problem that has arisen, which is bone strength loss.
As a supplement to improve skin elasticity, green tea has the benefit of maintaining good skin health. That has made it gain popularity in the beauty industry. Experts encourage people to drink this as it keeps them looking youthful. They also use green tea products because of their anti-inflammatory effects. Green tea helps delay wrinkles and the signs of aging. It also protects your skin against sun damage.
Green tea reduces diabetes 2 since it is a zero sugar beverage; hence sugar intake is at its very minimum. Green tea intake is related to reduced glucose levels and insulin levels, which are measures for diabetes.
Potential downsides of green tea
Although it has various benefits, empty stomach green tea has its limitations. It can result in irritation when consumed on an empty stomach since it contains substances known as tannins which are known for increasing the levels of acid in the stomach.
These increased acids have negative digestive effects, including constipation and nausea. If you suffer from these symptoms, try drinking tea between meals or right after your main meals. Brewing green tea with hot water can also result in the mentioned effects. (timesofindia.com).
Since green tea contains certain levels of caffeine, it can cause headaches. That is common to those people who suffer from daily headaches. The fact that you are drinking the tea on an empty stomach means that the effects of caffeine are more intense.
Therefore, take precautions when consuming this beverage as a few cups must only be consumed. Try drinking tea early in the morning so you will not have to worry about sleeping. In case you experience anxiety or nervousness, stop taking the tea.
Vomiting can be another side effect of consuming this beverage because of the tannins in this beverage. These are related to constipation and nausea due to the approach proteins fix in the intestines. Take care when consuming green tea, taking at most two cups per day and increasing intake if there are no side effects.
Green tea can lower our body’s ability to absorb iron. That is just due to the presence of catechins in green tea. Avoid green tea if you are dealing with anemia. You can eat foods rich in iron throughout the day so that they eliminate the negative effects of green tea. Although green tea can cause side effects, monitor any changes carefully.
How to make green tea
- Heat water to 80-85ºC, ensuring that it does not boil. The mentioned temperature is just the optimal one to avoid a bitter taste.
- Firstly pour water into a glass before adding green tea powder.
- Add the green tea powder to the water.
- Stir the tea until the powder becomes a complete solute.
- Add any sweetener or flavoring of your choice
- The tea may be served hot or even with ice.
How many cups can you drink?
You can drink three to five cups of green tea daily for optimal results. However, drinking more than 8 cups of green tea daily is unsafe. Large amounts might cause side effects due to the caffeine content. These side effects might include headaches and irregular heartbeat.
What happens if you drink green tea on an empty stomach?
Drinking green tea on an empty stomach can cause an upset stomach. It contains tannins that increase stomach acid, which increases the chances of stomachache, nausea, burning sensation, or even constipation.
Who should avoid green tea?
Pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under the age of 2, and people with kidney disorders, heart conditions, stomach ulcers, and psychological problems should avoid drinking green tea on an empty stomach. People with glaucoma, anemia, liver disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes should also avoid it.
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