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What is Jujube tea?
Jujube tea is a herbal tea made from the dried fruit of the Ziziphus jujuba bush from northern India. The fruit is a Chinese date or red date, rich in its dense nutrient composition and antioxidants. It provides vitamin C, polyphenols, potassium, iron, and B vitamins. For more information on the chemical properties of Jujube, read the article below.
Chemical properties of Jujube tea
Jujube tea is rich in antioxidants. These compounds include flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids. They also contain vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant. These compounds prevent and reverse damage caused by excess free radicals.
As an anti-inflammatory, Jujube contains phytochemicals, known as saponins. These chemicals have powerful anti-inflammatory capabilities and boost the immune system. Jujube also contains flavonoids and polysaccharides, phytochemical compounds that strengthen the immune system.
Jujube tea works as a sedative. It has two phytochemicals, saponins, and flavonoids, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep (sciencedirect.com). Jujube contains a flavonoid compound, spinosin, which triggers sleepiness.
Nutritional Facts of Jujube tea
Jujube tea provides vitamin C and flavonoids, which can help decrease inflammation and oxidative stress throughout the body, lowering the chances of chronic disease. Jujube fruits are rich in protein and fibre and have low calories. When consumed, it means the nutritional needs of the body are met. It gives a feeling of being filled up. It also decreases glucose levels that prevent additional weight gain.

The potassium content helps to decrease blood pressure (heart.org). Jujube contains a variety of minerals, such as manganese, copper, potassium, and magnesium, for healthy bones. It provides strength to bones, especially in the elderly with osteoporosis.
Since tea is rich in dietary fibre and carbs, making it a great source of energy that helps in metabolism and keeps you active throughout the day. A huge volume of fibre in jujube helps to regularise bowel movements and treat constipation. In addition, jujube tea reduces the risk of ulcers, injury, and any harmful bacteria in the stomach causing tummy issues.
Nutrients in jujube tea help clear out harmful toxins from the system, fight inflammation, and lowers the risk of blood-related disorders.
Benefits of Jujube tea
It relieves constipation, strengthens the immune system, boosts bone health, and increases circulation. Jujube tea may reduce anxiety and soothe the body and mind. That is possible as it lowers stress hormone levels and reduces anxiety and mood swings. So whenever you feel bored or sad, try drinking tea. You might be surprised by the change it brings.
When suffering from the cold flu, drink Jujube tea. It strengthens the immune system in dealing with flu symptoms, and fever. The vitamin C levels in this tea stimulate the production of white blood cells, and the anti-inflammatory effects heal sore throats.
If you are more concerned about your bone health, try herbal tea. It consists of a generous amount of minerals including iron, calcium, and phosphorus, which can help to improve bone mineral density and protect against osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone sickness that weakens bones and eventually causes them to break (versusarthritis.org).
If you suffer from sleeping habits, this tea can soothe the mind, making it a natural sleep aid. It is ideal to consume right before going to bed. The amount of relaxation that helps you sleep faster is for the night when you are less active.
Jujube tea reduces cardiovascular issues since it contains high levels of iron. These are related to heart and vessel diseases (who.int). That makes it excellent for circulation, meaning more oxygenation to the body parts. Due to the flavonoids and phenolic compounds in this tea, the chances of damaging the skin are low. It prevents wrinkles, age spots, and blemishes.
Jujube tea is a therapy for maintaining normal blood pressure. It helps with blood flow into the brain, by increasing nitric oxide levels. Jujube tea contains high amounts of potassium and low content of sodium. That maintains optimum blood pressure.
Potential downsides
Although Jujube tea has many benefits, it has some side effects, such as complications with pregnancy and drug interactions. Only use jujube tea in moderation. Since it is not clear how Jujube tea affects pregnant women, it is better to avoid
If you are diabetic, this tea can lower your blood sugar. Take precautions so that you will not end up with a low sugar count. Talk to your doctor about any pre-existing conditions or prescriptions before taking this tea.
Jujube tea contains high fibre content that has cellulose, making it hard to digest (medicalnewstoday.com). That is why you should consult a physician before drinking jujube tea if the person is suffering from intestinal parasites, bloating, and any tooth disease.
Jujube tea is not advisable for use in diabetes. It contains sugar that may cause a spike in blood sugar levels. If you are taking any antidepressant drugs, you should avoid the fruit. It may interact with those drugs. Consuming huge quantities of jujube tea may cause drowsiness, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, constipation, bloating, and malaise.
How to make Jujube tea
- Fill a pressure cooker with 3 litres of water and place it on the stove.
- Add ginger slices, dried jujubes, and cinnamon sticks and cover the cooker and cook under pressure for 10 minutes over medium heat.
- Reduce the heat to very low and cook for an additional 10 minutes.
- Once the pressure is released, remove the cover of the cooker and add brown sugar.
- Let it simmer for another 5 minutes, or until well infused. Serve and enjoy the drink.
How many cups of Jujube tea can you drink?
You can drink three cups per day, but if you have any condition, one cup is enough.
Is Jujube Fruit Good for Pregnancy?
Jujube tea contains folic acid that helps generate blood cells and promotes foetal development. It also contains zinc which helps in foetal brain development. However, excessive intake can cause harm to pregnant women, which is why you should take precautions.
Does jujube tea make you sleepy?
Yes, Jujube tea contains a flavonoid compound, spinosin, which triggers sleepiness. It calms the mind and helps induce and sustain sleep.
What does jujube tea taste like?
It has a subtly sweet, gingery, and slightly spicy tea that smells happiness. Jujube tea is based on cinnamon and ginger, making it ideal for an iced beverage.
Does Jujube tea have caffeine?
No, jujube tea does not contain caffeine. That makes it ideal for anxiety and irregular heartbeat.
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